Friday, October 30, 2009

Friend & Love


A Friend is someone who
Accepts you for what you are
Believes in you when others don't
Call you just to say 'Hi'
Doesn't betray you
Encourages you when you err
Give the best to you...

Helps you when you are in need
Invites you over to friendly gatherings
Joyously shouts with you
keeps you close at heart
Lends you ears
Make a differences in you life
Never make unfair judgement
Offers support when you crumble
Picks u up when you are down
Queues 4 hour to buy you a ticket
Remember you Birth
Say nice things about you
Trust you with secrets
Understands your needs
Values you...
Walk with you when you are lonely
Explain when you don't understand
Yells out encouragement to you
Zests up your life?


                   The perfect way to love is finding the perfect LOVE,
But by loving the imperfect person perfectly.
True love doesn't have a happy ending,
it simply doesn't end...

The Love that you had in your heart is Gone
Hold me close, hold me tight
Make me thrill with delight
Let me know where i stand from the start.
I want you, i need you & i love you
With all my heart...

End : Dladyna

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